
Mental Health Problem and their Symptoms

Mental Health problem is difficult to classify into clearly defined diseases. It is the symptoms of mental illness that distinguish one type of disorder from another, but those symptoms often vary much more widely in both kind and degree than the symptoms of physical illness. Because of this it is sometimes difficult to tell whether or not a person is actually mentally ill or, if illness is obvious, to determine the probable cause and work out a possible cure. In general, if you are able to keep your mental balance during periods of emotional stress, you can call yourself mentally healthy. If you lose that balance you are ill, at least to some extent. The articles in this section are designed to help you recognize some of the warning signs of common forms of mental illness, not only in yourself but also in others. The arrangement of articles is based on two groupings. First, there are illnesses that arise primari1y from internal influences, such as schizophrenia, depression and comp

Health, Fitness and Contact Lenses

There are a few simple truths about getting fit and healthy: To get fit, you have to work out regularly. To work out regularly, you have to be disciplined and stay consistent. This means you can’t postpone that morning jog just because it is raining. Now, if you’re wearing glasses, this might pose a problem. Glasses get wet and impair your vision, glasses may fog, and you might drop them if you trip over something while running. And refraining from using them while you exercise might get you run over by a truck. Thus: you need to buy contacts. Using contact lenses is the ultimate solution for every sportsman or sportswoman; lenses don’t disturb you when you exercise, lenses are easy to put in before exercising, and lenses give you perfect vision. Frankly, you will be surprised by the high quality of modern lenses; they are extremely comfortable, very effortless to use and need very little care.Contact lenses used to be the expensive alternative but today, there are many kinds of cheap

Heart Attack: The Warning Signs

Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, a squeezing sensation as if a band were being tightened around the chest, pain in the center of the chest lasting longer than 2 minutes Pain that spreads to the shoulders, arms, or neck The above warning signs as well as dizziness, fainting, sweating, nausea, and shortness of breath What You Should Do If These Signs Appear If you have chest discomfort lasting more than 2 minutes: Do not deny what may be occurring. Call the emergency service or have a friend or family member drive you to the nearest hospital that has 24 hour emergency cardiac care. Know in advance which hospitals have such a service. Prominently display the telephone number of the emergency rescue service and also carry a copy with you. Stroke: The Warning Signs The American Heart Association suggests that people be familiar with the following warning signs: Temporary loss of speech or difficulty in speaking or understanding speech Unexplained dizziness, unsteadi

Get an ideal BMI with Nueslim diet pills!

Do you know why there is so much hype about the Nueslim diet pills these days? It is because they truly deserved to be hyped! Yes, these can be said the ideal diet pills available in market today. They help you and me to reduce our excess fat that has accumulated due to our bad sedentary habits and help us get back into shape faster. These diet pills now come with lifetime money back guarantee. When the manufacturers are so much sure about the product, one must try this product to make use of its amazing ingredients. They help one get rid of high cholesterol too thus lowering the BMI significantly within short period of time. One will thus save himself or herself of serious cardio-respiratory complications due to obesity. These safe diet pills are wonderful companions of people who have hard time controlling appetite. These pills reduce appetite and help one get rid of extra pounds accumulating with each lunch or dinner. If you read the testimonials of people who have effectively

Depression and its Categories

Depression is a type of mental disorder which is completely different from other mental feelings such as unhappiness and and sadness. Depression is a long lasting disease like heart disorders. The people suffering from depression can have a feeling of built, loneliness, worry, worthless and helpless. The depression is a gift of the very fast life style in which no one has time to pay attention to the body. The number of patients suffering from depression is increasing day by day. The reports suggests the eighty percent of the depression patients also suffers from anxiety disorder. Categories of depression disorder: There are three main categories of Depression disorder Adjustable Disorder with depressed mood: This type of depression occurs because of stressful movements in our lives. For example the breakup in relations, failure in any entrance exam. Sometimes the positive changes such as getting a new job, successful marriage can also trigger this type of depression. Clinical

Acai Weight Loss – Everything You Want To Know

Acai has been best known for its qualities to assure a good health. Apart from raising the immunity level of body, another significant quality of this natural product is to help in reducing body fat. The pure Acai targets the excessive fat possessed by the body by enhancing the metabolic process of a body. The anti-oxidants provided by this product help in eliminating toxins and unwanted content of fats from human body. Thus, it is an impressive procedure to lose weight and gain a good body shape. It gas been proven that Acai acts faster than any other product in burning body fat and thus, is recommended by experts in the industry. The result is that many weight loss pills manufacturers have started using this ingredient in their products. The provision of Acai in diet pills has further boosted the effectiveness of diet pills in lowering down the body weight. However, it is important that you avail these pills from a respectable resource. Best Pills 4 Weight Loss happens to be o

Thyroid Problems and its Treatment

Antithyroid Drugs In young people with diffuse goiter of moderate size, there is much in favor of a long-term trial of antithyroid drug therapy. If successful, normal health and normal thyroid function may be restored. About 50 per cent may expect a long-lasting remission. If the response is satisfactory the treatment should be adequate and long enough, from one to two years or longer. A favorable response may be indicated in most instances by reduced pulse rate, increase in weight, and return of well­being feelings. Treatment should be stopped in those patients who experience adverse reactions to antithyroid drugs, such as skin wheals, (urticaria), loss of head hair (alopecia), or marked drop in the white blood cell count (agranulocytosis). Blood counts should be performed regularly at monthly intervals and a drop to less than 50 per cent of the initial white blood cell count should serve as a warning. Only a few patients are adversely sensitive to propylthiouracil or methimazole