Depression and its Categories

Depression is a type of mental disorder which is completely different from other mental feelings such as unhappiness and and sadness. Depression is a long lasting disease like heart disorders. The people suffering from depression can have a feeling of built, loneliness, worry, worthless and helpless. The depression is a gift of the very fast life style in which no one has time to pay attention to the body. The number of patients suffering from depression is increasing day by day. The reports suggests the eighty percent of the depression patients also suffers from anxiety disorder.

Categories of depression disorder: There are three main categories of Depression disorder

Adjustable Disorder with depressed mood: This type of depression occurs because of stressful movements in our lives. For example the breakup in relations, failure in any entrance exam. Sometimes the positive changes such as getting a new job, successful marriage can also trigger this type of depression.

Clinical depression: It is a major of depression which occurs because of some clinical imbalances in the brain. The symptoms of this type of depression resides in the patient for more than two weeks. The patient suffering from this type of depression can commit suicide or can cause harm to himself.

Dysthmic Disorder: This form of depression generally occurs in early stages of life. It is less dangerous than the clinical depression but can remain for a long life if left untreated.

If we can make some changes in our daily life then we can get depression relief. But there are some cases in which the patient is unable to change his life style. In such cases the other’s such as family members, friends, doctors help can be taken Some of the treatments available to diagnose the depression symptoms are

  • Medication
  • counseling
  • Behavioral changes
  • Changes in life style

You can also treat depression at your home by searching Internet for Depression help.


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