Men’s Skincare: How to Wash Your Face

For men and women washing your face should be one of the most important parts of a daily skin care routine. Men tend to forget to wash their face at night as they do not need to remove makeup as women do. However, it is very important to wash your face at night to remove the dirt and oils that has accumulated during the day. This will help to prevent acne and blemishes as these problems use dirt and oil as a breeding ground.

In the past men's face washing consisted of grabbing a bar of soap and using only their hands. Now, dermatologists have found that men should use products formulated for their skin type and that there is a proper technique for washing the face. The steps to properly wash your face are as follows:

* Wet your face with warm water (do not use hot water as this can cause damage to your skin and cold water does not open the pores enough).

* Place a small amount of cleanser in your hands and rub them together.

* Rub (do not scrub) the cleanser on your face in a circular motion.

* Remove the cleanser gently with warm water.

* Lastly, pat your face dry with a towel.

Many men do not know how to choose a skin care product for washing their face and will often grab the first bar of soap they see on the store shelf. This is not the best option as cleansers should be chosen according to skin type. A visit to a dermatologist can help you make the right choices for your skin and can answer any questions you may have concerning skin care. Skin care products should be discarded after six months as they can become ineffective and can cause more harm than good.


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