Wellness and Health

Optimal health means more than just surviving. It encompasses all aspects of a healthy and satisfying lifestyle, including:
  • Disease prevention and management
  • Fitness and nutrition
  • Overall happiness.
The word that best describes this concept is "wellness". Any health topic that involves living the highest quality of life possible falls into the category of wellness.
Much of modern medicine, and modern day living in general, is now focused on issues of wellness. Many companies have begun offering a wellness program to their employees to encourage healthy choices and reduce absences due to illness. City officials are building more walking trails and bike paths for residents to enjoy. Some health care companies have started covering the costs of a quit-smoking program for members. With this new focus on wellness, many people are seeking information on these topics.

Weight Loss and Exercise

Maintaining a healthy weight and getting regular exercise are two important parts of life-long health that often go hand in hand. Without them, the risk for many diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, can increase dramatically.
  • Motivation: Get tips and techniques for staying motivated on fitness goals.
  • Nutrition: Learn how good nutrition supports weight management.

Natural Medicine and Holistic Health

The topic of natural medicine has been gaining interest for several years. The goals of natural medicine are often the same as those of traditional medicine, but its philosophy and techniques differ. Natural medicine focuses on holistic approaches to treating pain and combating the effects of stress. Some of our wellness articles about natural medicine cover the following topics:
  • Mind-body connection: Wellness is often described as the union of a healthy body and a healthy mind. Learn more about the connection between emotional and physical health, and why traditional medicine physicians are now taking notice of this connection.
  • Vitamin supplements: Much of the business of natural medicine is focused on dietary supplements. Find information on the usefulness and limitations of supplements.
  • Yoga: Yoga has become a popular approach for conditioning the body and mind together. It offers both relaxation techniques as well as physical exercise. Read about the advantages of incorporating yoga into a wellness plan and the different styles of yoga.
  • Energy healing: This holistic technique for treating physical ailments relies on the patient's own internal energy as a source of healing power. Learn how this technique evolved and the principles on which it is based.

Addiction Treatment

For many people, addiction is a crippling health issue that keeps them from living healthy lives, both emotionally and physically. The use of elicit drugs, alcohol and tobacco can all lead to addictions. These days, new forms of addictions, such as computer and video game addiction, are also becoming prevalent. Treatment for addiction usually includes behavioral therapy and medication.


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