Anal Fissure: Rectal Pain & Bleeding
An anal fissure is a rectal tear: a tear in the anal canal that causes rectal pain and rectal bleeding. Anal fissure can occur at any age, but are most common in infants: Up to eighty percent of babies develop an anal fissure before their first birthday. Causes of Anal Fissure A rectal tear is usually caused by constipation. Bowel movements involving hard, large stools damage the anal canal, causing a longitudinal rectal tear. An anal fissure runs along the length of the anal canal. Severe diarrhea or anal canal inflammation can also cause anal fissure: Both conditions irritate and dry the anal canal, increasing the risk of a rectal tear. In elderly individuals, reduced blood flow to the rectal area is one of the causes of anal fissure. Physical trauma and childbirth can also cause rectal tears. Abuse of laxatives is associated with a high risk of anal fissure. While anal intercourse is one of the least common causes of anal fissure, it can also result in a rectal tear. A...