Thyroid Problems: Is It In Your Head?

When thyroid problems occur as a result of an underactive thyroid, they sometimes present as fatigue and weight gain. Conversely, when the body has too much thyroid hormone coursing through its system, anxiety and weight loss can result.
These symptoms can often seem negligible, or attributed to anxiety, hypochondria or stress. This is why it's important to consider having your thyroid tested if you experience any combination of the following symptoms:
  • Aches and pains in muscles and joints
  • Allergies
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Dizziness
  • Eye problems
  • Hair loss
  • High cholesterol
  • Poor concentration
  • Tiredness/weakness
  • Trouble breathing
  • Swelling.
All of these symptoms are associated with hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid. However, they can also be symptoms of depression, a lack of exercise and sleep or high stress levels.
Just because your symptoms seem vague and hard to quantify doesn't mean that they're not indicative of serious thyroid problems (just as, of course, the aforementioned symptoms don't necessarily indicate that your thyroid is unhealthy). This is why it's important to recognize the symptoms of both an overactive and underactive thyroid, and speak to your doctor if you think that's the cause of your symptoms (whether they be weight loss, exhaustion or anxiety).

Thyroid Problems and the Brain

Not only do thyroid hormones support the endocrine, nervous and immune systems--they play a direct role in how your brain functions. If enough T3 thyroid hormone (the more active form) is not present in your body, a whole series of problems can result.
If you're suffering from anxiety and weight loss, or fatigue and weight gain, it's possible that thyroid problems could be causing your symptoms. The only way to know for sure, and to obtain medical treatment for your problems, is to see a medical professional. While your doctor may ultimately find that you're suffering from high anxiety, hypochondria or stress, it's important to have your symptoms checked out.

Meeting with a Medical Professional

Before you see a doctor, try to document as many of your complaints as possible, such as examples of how fatigued you are, how much or how little you sleep and how sensitive you are to cold. For example, if you struggle with weight gain, write down everything you eat and drink and how much you exercise. Your doctor can use this information along with your weight history to determine if an underactive thyroid is at play, slowing your metabolism.


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