Stress Relaxation Techniques


Visualization (imagery) is a form of relaxation that uses the imagination. Begin as before, by finding a comfortable position, shut your eyes, and take several deep breaths. Several variations of visualization can then be used. You can imagine a tranquil scene, such as a beach on a sunny day or a valley with a stream or forest, and then place yourself in the scene. All the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings can be imagined. People suffering from a terminal illness frequently imagine scenes in which their immune system attacks or destroys their disease, or they envision themselves as healthy and disease free. Individuals who want to make major life changes, such as losing weight or stopping smoking, can envision themselves slim or not smoking or imagine themselves in trouble situations. Difficult situations can be prepared for by envisioning yourself in a situation in which you are tempted to overeat or smoke and then see yourself making wise choices or not engaging in the undesirable behavior. Visualization can also be used to improve athletic performance. Tapes are available that can assist in learning how to develop this technique.


Biofeedback is based on scientific principles and is designed to enhance awareness of body functions. Sensory equipment is used to demonstrate subtle body changes, such as increases or decreases in skin temperature, muscle contraction, and brain wave variations. Biofeedback enables people to become aware of muscle tensions and learn how to control these tensions through awareness of sensations that are relaxing. Biofeedback is an educational tool. After a few sessions, people should begin to recognize and thereby alter their typical bodily responses to situations that serve as stressors for them.

Massage Therapy

In recent years massage therapy has become an acceptable form of stress reduction and a healing alternative. Some people consider today’s American society to be in the midst of a “touch famine”: appropriate touching is lacking even though we recognize the need for physical interaction. Babies who are not handled can actually die from this type of deprivation. Although adults are not as likely to respond as babies do, the need to be touched does not vanish with age. Research findings indicate that massage can promote physical relaxation and well being. Certified massage therapists are licensed by the American Massage Therapy Association.


The power of music is undisputed. A strong beat and rhythmic music instill the desire to respond by moving or dancing in almost all people of any age. Quiet music soothes by causing people to breathe more deeply, stilling turbulent emotions, reducing metabolic response, and calming the autonomic nervous system.


Laughter is a powerful stress-reducing agent. A deep laugh temporarily raises pulse rate and blood pressure and tenses the muscles. After a good laugh, however, pulse rate and blood pressure actually go down and the muscles become more relaxed. Laughter works in two ways. Being able to laugh at a situation reminds you that life is seldom perfect or predictable. Laughing helps keep events in perspective. Laughing also works to reinforce a positive attitude. Laughing or even smiling can actually improve a mood.


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