How to Gain Muscular Strength

Muscular strength is the maximum force that a muscle or muscle group can exert in a single contraction. It is best developed by some form of progressive resistance exercise, for example, weight training with free weights (barbells and dumbbells) or single multistation machine weights. These exercises are demonstrated on exercise machines and free weights, these methods are equivalent and work the same muscle groups.The two types of muscular contractions are static and dynamic. Dynamic contractions occur when muscles shorten and move the bones to which they are attached, producing movement around a joint. Dynamic movements consist of concentric and eccentric muscle contractions . A concentric contraction occurs when a muscle shortens as it develops the tension to overcome an external resistance. An eccentric contraction occurs when the muscle lengthens and the
weight or resistance is slowly returned to the starting position. In eccentric contractions the muscles are resisting the force of gravity as they lengthen, so the weight is not allowed to free fall.

Static muscular contraction occurs when muscles exert force but do not shorten because the resistance is greater than the contractile force of the muscle. Static contractions are isometric, which literally means “equal length.” Considerable force can be generated by contracting muscles isometrically.


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