Stress Relaxation Techniques

The ultimate goal in stress coping and management is to reduce the negative effects of stress. Different relaxation techniques have proved successful and can be used based on individual preference. Brief descriptions of various techniques follow. If you are interested in pursuing the use of these techniques further, more information is available in books or on tapes. These books and tapes can be purchased at bookstores or may be accessible at your library.

Deep Breating as a Relaxation Technique

Deep breathing is the most basic relaxation technique and is often the foundation for other methods. The primary benefit is that deep breathing can be done anywhere and anytime. It is beneficial to practice deep breathing several times a day. The methodology consists of completely filling the lungs when breathing so that the abdomen expands out ward. You begin by taking a deep breath and then exhaling slowly through the mouth. A hand can be placed on the stomach to ensure that it is fully expanded. If the stomach does not rise, the breath is not deep enough or the abdomen is being held too tightly. Repeat this cycle several times and then rest quietly for 3 to 5 minutes.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation creates awareness of the difference between muscular tension and a relaxed state. This is a three-step process that begins by tensing a muscle group and noticing how the tension feels. Next, a conscious effort is made to relax the tension and notice that feeling. The third phase consists of concentrating on the differences between the two sensations. Beginning at either the head and working down or at the feet and working up, all major muscle groups should be tensed and relaxed.


Autogenics uses self-suggestion to produce a relaxation response. Autogenics begins with a deep breath and a conscious effort to relax. This technique may follow a progression from head to feet or feet to head and also uses a phrase, such as “my arm feels heavy and warm,” repeated several times before moving on to the next muscle group. Other phrases that carry a message of calming, such as “I am completely calm and relaxed,” can be used and repeated. The session can be ended by silently stating, I” am refreshed and alert.” Autogenics takes practice, time, and commitment to achieve the relaxation response and should be practiced twice a day for about 10 minutes. Commercial tapes are available that are very beneficial.


Meditation can be approached from a variety of perspectives. As a stress-reduction technique its purpose is to temporarily tune out the world and invoke relaxation. During a meditation session the person meditating concentrates or focuses her attention on a mantra, or particular word or sound, while attempting to eliminate all outside distractions.

Begin by taking a comfortable position on a couch or in a chair. Take several deep breaths, slowly inhaling and exhaling. Shut your eyes or softly focus them on an object so that the details are blurred. All thoughts should be concentrated on a word or phrase that you have selected to use, such as “peace” or “relax,” while continuing to breathe slowly and deeply. The relaxation response can also be initiated by using the same format and counting breaths backward from 100 or by imagining a white light that slowly travels throughout the body, letting in light and energy while expelling tension and fear. Many commercial tapes are available.


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